interface WETH9 {
    "[internal]": any;
    fallback: null | WrappedFallback;
    filters: Record<string, ContractEvent<any[]>>;
    interface: WETH9Interface;
    runner: null | ContractRunner;
    target: string | Addressable;
    addListener(event: ContractEventName, listener: Listener): Promise<WETH9>;
    attach(target: string | Addressable): BaseContract;
    connect(runner: null | ContractRunner): this;
    deploymentTransaction(): null | ContractTransactionResponse;
    emit(event: ContractEventName, ...args: any[]): Promise<boolean>;
    getAddress(): Promise<string>;
    getDeployedCode(): Promise<null | string>;
    getEvent(key: string | EventFragment): ContractEvent<any[]>;
        T extends
            ContractMethod<any[], any, any> = ContractMethod<any[], any, any>,
        key: string | FunctionFragment,
    ): T;
    listenerCount(event?: ContractEventName): Promise<number>;
    listeners(event?: ContractEventName): Promise<Listener[]>;
    off(event: ContractEventName, listener?: Listener): Promise<WETH9>;
    on(event: ContractEventName, listener: Listener): Promise<WETH9>;
    once(event: ContractEventName, listener: Listener): Promise<WETH9>;
        event: ContractEventName,
        fromBlock?: BlockTag,
        toBlock?: BlockTag,
    ): Promise<(Log | EventLog)[]>;
    queryTransaction(hash: string): Promise<EventLog[]>;
    removeAllListeners(event?: ContractEventName): Promise<WETH9>;
        event: ContractEventName,
        listener: Listener,
    ): Promise<WETH9>;
    waitForDeployment(): Promise<WETH9>;


  • BaseContract
    • WETH9


"[internal]": any


fallback: null | WrappedFallback

The fallback or receive function if any.

filters: Record<string, ContractEvent<any[]>>

All the Events available on this contract.

interface: WETH9Interface

The contract Interface.

runner: null | ContractRunner

The connected runner. This is generally a [[Provider]] or a [[Signer]], which dictates what operations are supported.

For example, a Contract connected to a [[Provider]] may only execute read-only operations.

target: string | Addressable

The target to connect to.

This can be an address, ENS name or any [[Addressable]], such as another contract. To get the resovled address, use the getAddress method.


  • Alias for [on].


    • event: ContractEventName
    • listener: Listener

    Returns Promise<WETH9>

  • Return a new Contract instance with the same ABI and runner, but a different %%target%%.


    • target: string | Addressable

    Returns BaseContract

  • Return a new Contract instance with the same target and ABI, but a different %%runner%%.


    • runner: null | ContractRunner

    Returns this

  • Return the transaction used to deploy this contract.

    This is only available if this instance was returned from a [[ContractFactory]].

    Returns null | ContractTransactionResponse

  • Emit an %%event%% calling all listeners with %%args%%.

    Resolves to true if any listeners were called.


    • event: ContractEventName
    • ...args: any[]

    Returns Promise<boolean>

  • Return the resolved address of this Contract.

    Returns Promise<string>

  • Return the deployed bytecode or null if no bytecode is found.

    Returns Promise<null | string>

  • Return the event for a given name. This is useful when a contract event name conflicts with a JavaScript name such as prototype or when using a Contract programatically.


    • key: string | EventFragment

    Returns ContractEvent<any[]>

  • Return the function for a given name. This is useful when a contract method name conflicts with a JavaScript name such as prototype or when using a Contract programatically.

    Type Parameters

    • T extends ContractMethod<any[], any, any> = ContractMethod<any[], any, any>


    • key: string | FunctionFragment

    Returns T

  • Resolves to the number of listeners of %%event%% or the total number of listeners if unspecified.


    • Optionalevent: ContractEventName

    Returns Promise<number>

  • Resolves to the listeners subscribed to %%event%% or all listeners if unspecified.


    • Optionalevent: ContractEventName

    Returns Promise<Listener[]>

  • Remove the %%listener%% from the listeners for %%event%% or remove all listeners if unspecified.


    • event: ContractEventName
    • Optionallistener: Listener

    Returns Promise<WETH9>

  • Add an event %%listener%% for the %%event%%.


    • event: ContractEventName
    • listener: Listener

    Returns Promise<WETH9>

  • Add an event %%listener%% for the %%event%%, but remove the listener after it is fired once.


    • event: ContractEventName
    • listener: Listener

    Returns Promise<WETH9>

  • Provide historic access to event data for %%event%% in the range %%fromBlock%% (default: 0) to %%toBlock%% (default: "latest") inclusive.


    • event: ContractEventName
    • OptionalfromBlock: BlockTag
    • OptionaltoBlock: BlockTag

    Returns Promise<(Log | EventLog)[]>

  • @_ignore:


    • hash: string

    Returns Promise<EventLog[]>

  • Remove all the listeners for %%event%% or remove all listeners if unspecified.


    • Optionalevent: ContractEventName

    Returns Promise<WETH9>

  • Alias for [off].


    • event: ContractEventName
    • listener: Listener

    Returns Promise<WETH9>

  • Resolve to this Contract once the bytecode has been deployed, or resolve immediately if already deployed.

    Returns Promise<WETH9>