interface ERC1155Interface {
    deploy: ConstructorFragment;
    fallback: null | FallbackFragment;
    fragments: readonly Fragment[];
    receive: boolean;
    _decodeParams(params: readonly ParamType[], data: BytesLike): Result;
    _encodeParams(params: readonly ParamType[], values: readonly any[]): string;
        fragment: string | ErrorFragment,
        data: BytesLike,
    ): Result;
        fragment: string | EventFragment,
        data: BytesLike,
        topics?: readonly string[],
    ): Result;
        fragment: string | FunctionFragment,
        data: BytesLike,
    ): Result;
        fragment: string | FunctionFragment,
        data: BytesLike,
    ): Result;
    encodeDeploy(values?: readonly any[]): string;
        fragment: string | ErrorFragment,
        values?: readonly any[],
    ): string;
        fragment: string | EventFragment,
        values: readonly any[],
    ): { data: string; topics: string[] };
        fragment: string | EventFragment,
        values: readonly any[],
    ): (null | string | string[])[];
        fragment: string | FunctionFragment,
        values?: readonly any[],
    ): string;
        fragment: string | FunctionFragment,
        values?: readonly any[],
    ): string;
    forEachError(callback: (func: ErrorFragment, index: number) => void): void;
    forEachEvent(callback: (func: EventFragment, index: number) => void): void;
        callback: (func: FunctionFragment, index: number) => void,
    ): void;
    format(minimal?: boolean): string[];
    formatJson(): string;
    getAbiCoder(): AbiCoder;
    getError(key: string, values?: any[]): null | ErrorFragment;
    getEvent(key: string, values?: any[]): null | EventFragment;
    getEventName(key: string): string;
    getFunction(key: string, values?: any[]): null | FunctionFragment;
    getFunctionName(key: string): string;
    hasEvent(key: string): boolean;
    hasFunction(key: string): boolean;
        _data: BytesLike,
        tx: CallExceptionTransaction,
    ): CallExceptionError;
    parseCallResult(data: BytesLike): Result;
    parseError(data: BytesLike): null | ErrorDescription;
        log: { data: string; topics: readonly string[] },
    ): null | LogDescription;
        tx: { data: string; value?: BigNumberish },
    ): null | TransactionDescription;


  • Interface
    • ERC1155Interface


deploy: ConstructorFragment

The Contract constructor.

fallback: null | FallbackFragment

The Fallback method, if any.

fragments: readonly Fragment[]

All the Contract ABI members (i.e. methods, events, errors, etc).

receive: boolean

If receiving ether is supported.


  • Parameters

    • params: readonly ParamType[]
    • data: BytesLike

    Returns Result

  • Parameters

    • params: readonly ParamType[]
    • values: readonly any[]

    Returns string

  • Decodes the result %%data%% (e.g. from an eth_call) for the specified error (see [[getError]] for valid values for %%key%%).

    Most developers should prefer the [[parseCallResult]] method instead, which will automatically detect a CALL_EXCEPTION and throw the corresponding error.


    • fragment: string | ErrorFragment
    • data: BytesLike

    Returns Result

  • Parameters

    • fragment: string | EventFragment
    • data: BytesLike
    • Optionaltopics: readonly string[]

    Returns Result

  • Decodes the %%data%% from a transaction for the function specified (see [[getFunction]] for valid values for %%fragment%%).

    Most developers should prefer the [[parseTransaction]] method instead, which will automatically detect the fragment.


    • fragment: string | FunctionFragment
    • data: BytesLike

    Returns Result

  • Decodes the result %%data%% (e.g. from an eth_call) for the specified function (see [[getFunction]] for valid values for %%key%%).

    Most developers should prefer the [[parseCallResult]] method instead, which will automatically detect a CALL_EXCEPTION and throw the corresponding error.


    • fragment: string | FunctionFragment
    • data: BytesLike

    Returns Result

  • Encodes a object for deploying the Contract with the %%values%% as the constructor arguments.


    • Optionalvalues: readonly any[]

    Returns string

  • Encodes the transaction revert data for a call result that reverted from the the Contract with the sepcified %%error%% (see [[getError]] for valid values for %%fragment%%) with the %%values%%.

    This is generally not used by most developers, unless trying to mock a result from a Contract.


    • fragment: string | ErrorFragment
    • Optionalvalues: readonly any[]

    Returns string

  • Parameters

    • fragment: string | EventFragment
    • values: readonly any[]

    Returns { data: string; topics: string[] }

  • Parameters

    • fragment: string | EventFragment
    • values: readonly any[]

    Returns (null | string | string[])[]

  • Encodes the for a transaction that calls the function specified (see [[getFunction]] for valid values for %%fragment%%) with the %%values%%.


    • fragment: string | FunctionFragment
    • Optionalvalues: readonly any[]

    Returns string

  • Encodes the result data (e.g. from an eth_call) for the specified function (see [[getFunction]] for valid values for %%fragment%%) with %%values%%.

    This is generally not used by most developers, unless trying to mock a result from a Contract.


    • fragment: string | FunctionFragment
    • Optionalvalues: readonly any[]

    Returns string

  • Iterate over all errors, calling %%callback%%, sorted by their name.


    • callback: (func: ErrorFragment, index: number) => void

    Returns void

  • Iterate over all events, calling %%callback%%, sorted by their name.


    • callback: (func: EventFragment, index: number) => void

    Returns void

  • Iterate over all functions, calling %%callback%%, sorted by their name.


    • callback: (func: FunctionFragment, index: number) => void

    Returns void

  • Returns the entire Human-Readable ABI, as an array of signatures, optionally as %%minimal%% strings, which removes parameter names and unneceesary spaces.


    • Optionalminimal: boolean

    Returns string[]

  • Return the JSON-encoded ABI. This is the format Solidiy returns.

    Returns string

  • The ABI coder that will be used to encode and decode binary data.

    Returns AbiCoder

  • Get the [[ErrorFragment]] for %%key%%, which may be an error selector, error name or error signature that belongs to the ABI.

    If %%values%% is provided, it will use the Typed API to handle ambiguous cases where multiple errors match by name.

    If the %%key%% and %%values%% do not refine to a single error in the ABI, this will throw.


    • key: string
    • Optionalvalues: any[]

    Returns null | ErrorFragment

  • Get the [[EventFragment]] for %%key%%, which may be a topic hash, event name or event signature that belongs to the ABI.

    If %%values%% is provided, it will use the Typed API to handle ambiguous cases where multiple events match by name.

    If the %%key%% and %%values%% do not refine to a single event in the ABI, this will throw.


    • key: string
    • Optionalvalues: any[]

    Returns null | EventFragment

  • Get the event name for %%key%%, which may be a topic hash, event name or event signature that belongs to the ABI.


    • key: string

    Returns string

  • Get the [[FunctionFragment]] for %%key%%, which may be a function selector, function name or function signature that belongs to the ABI.

    If %%values%% is provided, it will use the Typed API to handle ambiguous cases where multiple functions match by name.

    If the %%key%% and %%values%% do not refine to a single function in the ABI, this will throw.


    • key: string
    • Optionalvalues: any[]

    Returns null | FunctionFragment

  • Get the function name for %%key%%, which may be a function selector, function name or function signature that belongs to the ABI.


    • key: string

    Returns string

  • Returns true if %%key%% (an event topic hash, event name or event signature) is present in the ABI.

    In the case of an event name, the name may be ambiguous, so accessing the [[EventFragment]] may require refinement.


    • key: string

    Returns boolean

  • Returns true if %%key%% (a function selector, function name or function signature) is present in the ABI.

    In the case of a function name, the name may be ambiguous, so accessing the [[FunctionFragment]] may require refinement.


    • key: string

    Returns boolean

  • Parameters

    • _data: BytesLike
    • tx: CallExceptionTransaction

    Returns CallExceptionError

  • Parameters

    • data: BytesLike

    Returns Result

  • Parses a revert data, finding the matching error and extracts the parameter values along with other useful error details.

    If the matching error cannot be found, returns null.


    • data: BytesLike

    Returns null | ErrorDescription

  • Parses a receipt log, finding the matching event and extracts the parameter values along with other useful event details.

    If the matching event cannot be found, returns null.


    • log: { data: string; topics: readonly string[] }

    Returns null | LogDescription

  • Parses a transaction, finding the matching function and extracts the parameter values along with other useful function details.

    If the matching function cannot be found, return null.


    • tx: { data: string; value?: BigNumberish }

    Returns null | TransactionDescription