Interface RichBlock

interface RichBlock {
    baseFeePerGas: null | bigint;
    blobGasUsed?: null | bigint;
    difficulty: bigint;
    excessBlobGas?: null | bigint;
    extraData: string;
    gasLimit: bigint;
    gasUsed: bigint;
    hash?: null | string;
    miner: string;
    nonce: string;
    number: number;
    parentBeaconBlockRoot?: null | string;
    parentHash: string;
    prevRandao?: null | string;
    receiptsRoot?: null | string;
    stateRoot?: null | string;
    timestamp: number;
    traces?: Trace[];
    transactionReceipts?: TransactionReceiptParams[];
    transactions: readonly (string | TransactionResponseParams)[];


  • BlockParams
    • RichBlock


baseFeePerGas: null | bigint

The protocol-defined base fee per gas in an [[link-eip-1559]] block.

blobGasUsed?: null | bigint

The total amount of BLOb gas consumed by transactions within the block. See [[link-eip4844].

difficulty: bigint

For proof-of-work networks, the difficulty target is used to adjust the difficulty in mining to ensure a expected block rate.

excessBlobGas?: null | bigint

The running total of BLOb gas consumed in excess of the target prior to the block. See [[link-eip-4844]].

extraData: string

Additional data the miner choose to include.

gasLimit: bigint

The maximum amount of gas a block can consume.

gasUsed: bigint

The amount of gas a block consumed.

hash?: null | string

The block hash.

miner: string

The miner (or author) of a block.

nonce: string

A random sequence provided during the mining process for proof-of-work networks.

number: number

The block number.

parentBeaconBlockRoot?: null | string

The hash tree root of the parent beacon block for the given execution block. See [[link-eip-4788]].

parentHash: string

The hash of the previous block in the blockchain. The genesis block has the parentHash of the [[ZeroHash]].

prevRandao?: null | string

The latest RANDAO mix of the post beacon state of the previous block.

receiptsRoot?: null | string

The hash of the transaction receipts trie.

stateRoot?: null | string

The root hash for the global state after applying changes in this block.

timestamp: number

The timestamp for this block, which is the number of seconds since epoch that this block was included.

traces?: Trace[]
transactionReceipts?: TransactionReceiptParams[]
transactions: readonly (string | TransactionResponseParams)[]

The list of transactions in the block.