interface CreateWithExistingAccountAndRevokeAuthKeyCallPayload {
    arguments: any[];
    arguments_decoded: [string[], bigint, string[], string[]];
    function: `${string}::${string}::${string}`;
    type: string;
    type_arguments: [];

Hierarchy (View Summary, Expand)

  • TypedFunctionPayload<[MoveAddressType[], bigint, string[], string[]]>
    • CreateWithExistingAccountAndRevokeAuthKeyCallPayload


arguments: any[]

Arguments of the function

arguments_decoded: [string[], bigint, string[], string[]]

decoded argument data using ABI, undefined if there is decoding error, usually because the ABI/data mismatch

function: `${string}::${string}::${string}`
type: string
type_arguments: []

Type arguments of the function